I recognize alot of myself in your posts. i'm 26 and it's been about three years since Ilast had an actual relationship (couple of one night stand type things aside).
Every single time I start getting to know someone I want to ask out, we just end up becoming friends, and I feel like dating would possibly jeopardize our friendship.
I have to agree with bobmsmythe on this: wether you're friendship or dating material seems to be decided fairly early on, and once your in the friendship corner, not much chance of getting out. Of course there's heaps of people who've been friends before falling in love, but this is usually unexpected, spontaneous and a long time in the making. And if you're anything like me, there'd be nothing spontaneous and unexpected about that.
For me, I know I'm shy. I can basically talk to people and stuff, but it just takes me a while before I can really chill out and be the intelligent, witty man that I am
. Anyway, you can pretty much measure how much I like a girl by how stupid and shy I get trying to talk to her. I wouldn't be making stupid macho remarks or anything, just won't be able to think of anything intelligent/witty to say. I'm pretty sure I'd be able to attrackt a dang purdy girl if my head wouldn't lock up like it does.
What I try to do about it is just to try and flirt more with girls that arn't really my type. Just try and connect with someone in the supermarket, maybe the cassiere (she can't go anywhere
). At first it was totally awkward- you see that Friends episode where Ross tries to flirt with a pizzadelivery girl and starts talking about how the smell of gas is added in a factory? Something like that. It's just nerves, and the more I practice, the easier it gets
Is it common to start dating before a strong friendship develops?
Sure, I think it usually goes that way. Starting to date when you've already established a friendship between you. Romance (far as I know, tell me when I'm off) is much about excitement, adventure and not really knowing what to expect.
Hope this helps at all. If not, atleast you'll know you're not alone