i've heard of it happening before between heterosexual males. However, other than your friends, i don't imagine people promote these kind of "get-togethers" as a club (like a chess club) or anything. Although i am curious to wether you actually like watching a guy "pounding" he cock or if its just the aftermath. I've only heard of occurances where they don't look at each other until afterwards, tho i am noit to familar with this whatsoever. I think i'd only be involved, if there where other females involved, and thats not just on the tv screen. Although, there are other sessions known as "bukkake", i think, which means splash or something in japanese or one of the asian languages (sorry). Anyways, guys take turns to wank and ejactulate onto a girls face, such that in the end she looks like a melted wedding cake

It'd be interesting to be involved in this, however i would think it'd be quite degrading to the girl involved....
Maybe you could try putting up some flyers around town, although i don't know how well that'd go down, lol
This is probably a little rarer between hetero males, so you may find it hard to find other willing participants.