It seems to me that GW has a limited field of vision when it comes to his ability to understand and synthesize complex issues, i.e. abortion, stem cell research, terrorism, and war, to name just a few. He sees all issues in terms of right or wrong, black or white. Like the bible, Bush's decision making process is not one that straddles the moral fence in any regard. An issue is either right or wrong. Period.
To me, Bush's nonsecular views are not a cause of his standpoint on issues, but rather they are a result of a lack of brain power required to comprehend and fully mediate a deep situation, like the conflict in the middle east, or islamic laws and practices. His lack of comprehension in all these areas causes an immediate default to his moral imperative that is grounded in christian teaching. Therefore, we cannot really fault Bush for his religious beliefs. Everyone has a set of morals that are relating to religion, be it one that is grounded in buddhism, taoism, christianity, islam, or even if you exercise your right not to have a religion, you still are making some choice. What we can fault Bush on is his inability to set those prebiased beliefs aside for four years, and instead of "leaning on religion," letting the beliefs set forth in a 2000 year old book do the work, he should rise to the occasion and use his brains to solve problems, because honestly, when was the last time the world agreed on whose God is right? answer: Never.
But the sad reality is that Bush lacks the brains to form a decent sentence, let alone mediate the world's problems. Ari Fliescher was the smart one here, he got out while he still had his dignity and good name. Bush is just a series of disgraces to this country's constitution, one after the other. And sooner or later he is going to put his foot in his mouth once and for all and we will all pay the price, be it war, sanctions, or just plain domestic unrest. Bush scathed the system in 2000, and should have never been put in office. He railroaded Gore into submitting, and he has done the same to all his opponents in every situation since- Afghanistan and Iraq are the two that come to mind immediately. Bush needs to be voted out, stat. But first the dems have to get their act together, and that may take a while, so for now we may have to live with another four years of bushisms and cowboy foreign policy. ...Sigh...
Last edited by Oxidus; 07-07-2003 at 07:34 AM..