Summing up love to be a mere chemical imbalance is a dangerous thing to do. By direct implication, that means that other emotions are simply chemical imbalances as well. And, since the word 'imbalance' has been used, this implies that emotions are also a negative thing, that in order to be balanced, we need to supress emotion. If we take that our brain has 3 main uses, logical thought, survival (heart/motion/bladder control etc) and emotional control, then in order to be balanced, or, a more perfect human, we need to eliminate emotion.
So in a more perfect human, the brain would have 2 purposes, control of our organs to keep living and logical thought. And since most of the brain functions that are in charge of the continued surviving stuff (medulla oblongata I believe, that is a damned cool word) is not under our concious control, this means we are left with one real aspect of our brain that is useful. Logical thought, and that basically means we're just meat computers.
Of course, to go much further requires getting rather serious into the mind/body problem which is hardly a trivial topic...
On to the topic at hand : rodimus, agree whole heartedly. rogue49, that's one of the more eloquent summaries I've read in a while.
Love for me? Love is friendship, and like friendship there are a wide varieties of love. The trick is to find the person who would be your best friend, and hook up with them