sorry... 69
anyway.. the reason why i posted this is because the guy at the party believed that the moon landing was a hoax... i couldn't believe that people would actually think this!!!
imagine you are Buzz Aldrin or Neil Armstrong and you heard that some people think the moon landing was fake. I would want to shoot someone. That would piss me off so much. Then some of these people supporting the hoax said that nasa actually killed people who were going to let this whole scam get out or some shit like that.
It just boggles my mind that some people actually believe this crap.
I was actually arguing for the moon landing at this party and i ended up coming up with some pretty good common sense arguments that are basically explained the exact same way on this page..
Basically the best argument you can come up with is.. have you been on the moon? Have any of these people that are creating these bullshit hoax stories been on the moon? It's an alien world to us and physics on the moon isn't the same as it is on earth. Things work very differently.
Another thing to support the landing on the moon was the lunar vehicle (i don't remember the name of it). If you watch the video of this thing you will notice that the pieces of dust and sand that fly off the wheels fly off in a perfect parabolic arc. Can we do this on earth? Sure, if you had billions of dollars to create a huge vaccuum for that thing. It would have had to be way more technologically advanced than what they used to go to the moon. We still can't build a vacuum that big. We just dont' have the technology to do it right now!
Anyway.. if someone reads this and believes that the moon landing was a hoax, please do some research and come up to a conclusion on your own. I provided a link to a lot of answers to the hoax arguments and the last poster provided a similar link, and also a link to a site that argues that it is a hoax.