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Old 07-07-2003, 01:57 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Scotland
Originally posted by Hydralisk
There are also some iffy things found in the reflections of the peoples helmets.
Yeah, the "Lunar Sceptics" claim that they can see inappropriate reflections in the astronauts visors. Then again, the Virgin Mary makes frequent appearances on Cheesits and various vegetables all over the world, statues of Buddha start to weep milk (strangely this happens just after they've been washed with milk)... It's called seeing what you want to believe and some people seem to "need" to see a conspiracy behind every achievement.

Personally, I'm 99.999...% SURE that they did go. OK, I've heard all the arguments about the radiation exposure once they'd leave the protection of Earths magnetic field etc..., but on the other hand I've also heard of the frank and outright anger of the Apollo crews when it's suggested that the lunar missions were faked.

Strangely no-one ever suggests that Apollo VIII (I think - the one that orbited the Moon) was fake. In that one the crew did everything except actually land.

Anyway, It'll be resolved to most people's satisfaction in the next couple of years - I understand that the Japanese are building a telescope with sufficient resolution to pick out footprints on the lunar surface... But of course the Lunar Sceptice will simply shout "Fake" and "Liars" regardless of the evidence & testimony.

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