I kinda' pride myself on my cooking. I'm not real good at a lot of things but I do cook those things that I really like, pretty well, even if my talents are only known to a select few. I love barbeque. Many places in the world are known for their barbecue but few really live up to their reputations. The best ribs in the world! King's in Liberal, Kansas. The second best, at a place in Hot Springs, Ark. supposedly frequented by some loser who at one time was a piss poor excuse for President - food's good though! The best barbecue in the world, at least so far as barbecue sandwiches are found in Amarillo, Texas. I don't know what their secret is - have no idea what they do to them, but their sandwiches are the best barbecue on earth. Once upon a.... when I was younger, those sandwiches cost two-bits a piece, took two or three to fill you up if you were really hungry! they took a knife - looked like a short machete - sliced two of three pieces off a brisket and then chopped them up really fine - took whatever would fit on the end of that big knife, put it on a really small heated bun, and sopped on some type of clear sauce with a little mop lookin' thing - it was great - sweet, and delicious! I've never figured out what was in that sauce, but the sandwiches were basically the same at 10-15 places in all parts of town - a little shack looking restuarant with old fashioned school desks - you know the old kind with a chair and a sorta' wing desk that was attached ( I think they were all right handed - that was back when being left-handed was a sin but that's another story!) The food was simply great -
Anyhoo! I finally found a cooker that makes any and everyone an expert! You cannot screw-up a decent piece of meat and you can create a masterpiece with a good cut - like prime-rib. I bought a Traeger grill and I'm tellin' you right know that nothing will cook a better piece of meat - These grills burn wood pellets - they maintain a constant temperature, they feed wood pellets with an auger into a firebox and a fan circulates the heat - They have an electronic ignition, jut flip the switch to on and it's ready to cook in about ten minutes - I'll throw in their website if your're interested -
http://www.traegergrills.com/index.htm -
They are not cheap but I guarantee, you can be an expert chef in one day. No brag - just fact!
Oh yeah! I'll share my favorite marinade recipe;
I bottle of good beer
1 bottle of Dr. Pepper
and a good splash of Curly's Brisket Marinade Sauce ( 1/4 to 1/3 cup)
Try this in a sealed bag for 12-14 hours before you cook - I guarantee it's good!