Mael's right... it all depends on your goal... the BEST thing to do is to get a personal trainer... the time you gonna need with one depends on your previous experience at a gym... and how much you actually KNOW about working out. when i first started last october i got one for a month and a half... yeah, it IS expensive, but it's an investment in yourself. But he helped me ALOT. Now i actually have a basic understanding how muscles work, basic nutricion knowledge and all...
for example, my current goal is cardio and drop some body fat a long the way to get a small six pack. i'm on a second month into my DAILY routine. 10-15 minutes basic weights and abs workup plus 30 minutes on a bike. I eat oatmeal for breakfast and i noticed that a can of coke classic and a mars bar about an hour before workout give me quite a boost. This routine dropped me about 8lbs in the last month... and that's considering that i already had 11% body fat, I'm now at 10% and seeing muscles on me i never thought i had LOL