Originally posted by Ashton
How could you refuse a face like this a cheap bag of farking dog food?
Bad move. Ya see, these little guys don't like to dine alone.
You give in to the little bugger just once.
The next night he brings a friend.
Then another...
And another...
Pretty soon... <b>Party's on at your house!</b>
Now you've got a semi from Purina parked out front.
But it doesn't end there. The family starts to feed them...
<b>FROM THE TABLE!!!</b>
In fact, your family will turn completely against you.
So much so, that they even start to look like 'em.
And worst of all. Your faithful dog, who used to understand 'bout coons,...
Disses you and <b>makes friends with the little bastard!</b>
From there, it isn't long before he's playing with your toys,
Borrowing your tools (<b>and NOT returning them!</b>),
And driving off in your car.
So remember.