Sorry to droll up old points, but I think we're all pretty much on the same level when we're born. While we're all 'created' equal, what follows [life] shapes the people we form into, and creates that inequality. We're a product of our environments; Einstein could've grown up to be a redneck gas station attendent given the proper childhood surroundings, just as Charles Manson could've been a senator if he had a different upbringing.
Back on track, I believe the punishment should fit the crime. Jail isn't much of a deterrant, it just toughens the criminals up and teaches them how to be better criminals. The amount of inmates who serve one or two sentences and are rehabilitated is far outweighed by the amount of repeat offenders who use prison like a revolving door. I've known people who brag about 'doing time' like it's honorable.
I don't think removing people from society is going to help rehabilitate them, but I think moving them out of their current environment would do more help. There are those people who are beyond rehabilitation... but they are a minority in the prison population. Over 60% of the US prison population (by 1998 statistics, sorry too lazy to find more recent numbers) is incarcerated for non-violent drug charges... I find this a waste of tax-payer's money.
I am the very model of a moderator gentleman.