How to stay motivated
Having exercised on and off for 30+ years, I have found myself in a similar situation many times. First, do not worry about missing days and getting discouraged. Life happens. More important though is to get into a routine that you enjoy and do exercises that you like. I think going everyday when you start is a waste of time because you suffer burnout and the body needs time to recover from each workout - 2 on 1 off or every other day is good.
Two things to consider - Any good program requires about a month to get started - your body gets over the discomfort, your head gets into the game, and the effects keep the momentum going forward. Also, get into a good diet plan. World Gym was excellent for me - I lost 20 lbs in 4 months and got really toned.
I used to train for triathlons. I became a zombie training 20-30 hours a week plus working. Gave it up because I could not keep up the pace. Stress will kill an exercise program quickly.
Good luck.