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Old 07-05-2003, 11:02 PM   #49 (permalink)
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me loves teh quoting people... :D

In case you forgot-- righty here.

Originally posted by flyman
*i can jerk with both though eh.*
Lucky you. For some reason only my left hand has this special power...

Originally posted by BBtB
Actully if you look at the time of the posts I think it says something about lefies being insomniacs.
Erhm... I think TFPer = insomniac, not just lefties...

Originally posted by Loki
heh, if you really want to, try breaking your right arm.

Back at the beginning of high school, i broke my right arm in a tennis accident. Anyways, the deputy principal (a nasty old man) wouldnt let me have another student to write my papers while i dictated them, so i had to learn how to write with my left hand.

So yah, end result, im ambidexterous.

(I can do most activities equally well with both hands, but instinctively (like if somethings falling towards me), my right hand goes up, so i am not a pure ambidexterous type, i guess...)
I sprained my right wrist really bad once and had it in a cast for a while. I also had to learn to use my left, but after I had the cast removed I stopped writing with my left and I lost practice... and I was getting good at it, too! ::sighs::

Originally posted by BBtB
Well while we are quoting statistics. It should also be noted that left handed people also make up an abnormal amount of both mentally disabled people AND people with IQs over 130.
I've actually noticed that all of the umm... mentally challenged people I've ever met were all left-handed. Weird. My friend Steph is left-handed and she's freaking smart, though.

Originally posted by Atropos4
left handed is alpha phi......I use my right hand for scissors, and sometimes different sports.....hmmm we both play guitar right handed though...
One of my best buds is left-handed but he plays right-handed. I think this sort of gives him an advantage. He says the guitar feels uncomfortable if he holds it left-handed. He tried to learn to play lefty but he just didn't like it. Some people think the picking hand is more important, others think the fretting hand is more important. Good guitarists realize that both hands are important. All I know is that I can pick faster than I can fret, so this means my left hand just isn't fast enough yet. He doesn't have this problem, since he's a lefty who plays right-handed. Do you experience the same thing?
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