Amen, Mr. President
I recently watched a movie (Deterrence) where the character playing the president stated he had to follow the spiritual belief system of an atheist regardless of what his true beliefs are. It’s a practice that all presidents have to take.
Well that’s obviously not accurate, but it did present an interesting area of thought. Should anyone who’s president be an atheist while in office? Or at the very least an agnostic? Christianity follows the Bible, and therefore all that’s happened and WILL happen; such as Armageddon. Does this have the possibility to affect decisions that in turn affect the entire world? Would being an agnostic keep the focus on the here and now and not allow possible events to be tainted with religion good or bad?
I personally think I’d would like a president to believe in God, that means he probably believes certain acts are good or bad whereas someone that as the leadership in China who doesn’t; could make decisions such as denying the freedom of religion. At the same time I have to wonder if the president believes that the end of this world is a reality if that would ever cause a bad scenario to happen.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking