Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
At this instant (8:14 PM CST ) Jr. is running first with an .11 second lead over Wallace - 188.345 MPH and they are running five and six wide on the straights at Daytona - this isn't go-cart racing - this is the big boys.
Daytona and Talladega further go to prove my point that it takes much less skill and talent to compete in a stock than it does on a road course. You cant just rely on the draft and drive around till the end. You have to actually race the entire time on a road course (also in a rally, for the wrc fan above).
Ask any of the drivers, at the restrictor tracks, and increasingly on the other large tracks, all you do is wait untill the last 10-15 laps and then you are dependent on help from someone else to get a win. Which is a reason which DEI has been so dominant on restrictor tracks, Jr. and Waltrip work very well with eachother.
Again, I hate to threadjack, but i felt that it had to be said
Sidenote: despite what I say, I will be watching the Firecracker 400 tomorrow night