Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Otaku makes a great reference to the spark, however I think your idea is wrong. Einstein theorized on the subject, I don't recall exactly what he said on it but it was to the tune of this. Our said "spark" would be our essence, presumably the brain waves that dictate our existence. Those brain waves are electric and electricity never degrades or ceases, it is infinite. So perhaps that could be, unless what I heard was wrong... but hey it makes sense in my book.
Also I have read on the parallel universe stuff, better known as the Multiverse theory, and that is some crazy shit. Was I wrong in gathering that there is an alternate universe for every possible experience (i.e. turning left instead of right, etc)? I was kind of confounded when I read it, perhaps some has a link to some more reading about it.
You want crazy? Get a layman's book about Quantum mechanics. I reccommend "The Cosmic Code - Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature." by Heinz R. Pagels. Very easy to read, and very little mathematics, which is what scares most people away!
Basically, if you are to accept what is know about quantum mechanics, you need to give up, at least one, of your most basic beliefs. Things which are "obvious".
Non-Objectivity: Does the tree that falls in the woods make a noise when no one is around to hear it? Those who accept the "Copenhagen Convention" claim that not only does it not make a noise, it claims that talking about anything, which is not observed is meaningless. Reality is defined soley by its observation.
Non-Local influences: In order for something to be affected by something else, they need to be in close contact...right? I mean, if I telephone you, I am still sending an electromagnetic signal to you, so I am affecting you via that medium Well some people claim that, all things in the universe are connected by a time/space independant manner. i.e. an instantaneous, undetectable, non-material carrier wave.
Antropic multiverse: Like you were saying, all possibilities of universe exist. When a random quantum event occurs (i.e all the time!) the universe spits in two! E.g. an emmited electron must that must "choose" to go through one hole or another instead goes through both...one in one universe, and the other in a second universe! But the really weird thing is that, "near by" universes can affect each other, so it can appear that a single electron passes through both holes at once!
There are numerous other interpretations also.
The other thing which may cuase the existence of other (literally parallel) universes, is higher dimensional physics. i.e. that there exists more than three spacial dimensions, but we are only able to experience three of them. These parallel dimesnions would not be like "twin universes" like the quantum anthropic multiverse theory, they would be completely different. It has also been hypothesised that the singularity from the big bang, resulted from an inter-dimensional fluctuation.
To read more on this subject, get Flat Land by Edwin A. Abbott. Haven't read it, but its supposed to be very interesting, and very accesible.