Originally posted by DisabledMind
Ok, You had totaly contridicted yourself on that one. I stated that people should be given what they give out (an eye for an eye)... same concept as you reap what you sow, and i hadn't said anything about being "created" equal. I simply stated that if your going to do something expect it in return.
The phrase you reap what you sow does NOT mean you get back exactly what you give out. It means you get back what you DESERVE based on what you get out. Lets just think about the origin of the phrase. It was originally talking about sowing seeds for (most likely) wheat. You sow the seads and reap the wheat. You do not sow the seeds then reap more seads.
Your whole concept that we should do to the perpetrator of a crime whatever crime they did is preposterous. If you rob a bank we don't then rob you and call it even. The punishment should fit the crime regardless of who YOU are. But that dosn't mean it should involve the crime you did against you. Like with murder for example, there are differn't degrees of murder with differnt amounts of punishment. And I agree with that system because someone who plans to kill somone else for a month and someone who just flys off the handle for the second deserve diffren't punishments. They both deserve to be punished just not the same way. Neither of them deserve to be killed though. This whole eye for an eye bullshit is all just based on archaic christian dogma from 2000 years ago.