Haven't had a chance to take much in the way of electives in college, but in HS, I definitely would have to say Satire and Call of the Wild. Both were english electives, which were made up of two groups-the slackers, and the people who were actually interested. The high point in satire was when we read Swift's "A Modest Proposal" and most of the class thought it was real. Call of the Wild I sat through for the sole reason that we got out of school to go on an overnight backpacking trip. That was amusing... most of the other people on the trip had enough stuff for at least a week on their backs.
In college, I'm definitely with you on the art electives... I got almost all my core requirements out of the way freshman year, so I'm working on the prereqs for the metalsmithing class.
I'd rather be climbing...
I approach college much like a recovering alcoholic--one day at a time...