First answer, sorry, I do not know any of the Pennsylvania House Reps.
Secondly, the relationship of lobbyists to politicians is an interesting one, and I think to some degree misunderstood by the public.
When I first went to the hill I thought, like the majority of Americans, that lobbyists just threw money around and bought a lot of votes. What I discovered, was that they do in fact throw a lot of money around, but I'm not sure how many votes it actually "buys."
Here's why I say this: Lobbyists generally throw their money towards those that ALREADY AGREE with them, not to change their minds. For example, if I'm a lobbyist and I'm dealing with a Senator whose views are contrary to the agenda I'm trying to push, rather than try to persuade him with money, gifts, dinners, etc...I'm more likely to find a candidate who agrees with my position, has a legitimate shot to beat him and help fincance that guy.
Why? It's a question of investment. If I have to buy someone's vote this week, then I'll most likely have to buy it again, and again and again. It becomes expected. However, if I help someone get elected who will already vote my way, then it's a wiser investment. Sure, I will have to continue to schmooze them and show my appreciation for their actions, but I don't have to BUY their support over and over again. Then there isn't pressure everytime a vote comes up that I need to go my way.
Am I saying that all lobbying is good and ethical? Of course, not. There are definitely some elected officials that can be bought and, they will be. Also, there are some sleeze bag lobbyists out there that do try to buy votes, etc. But honestly, they get a reputation pretty quick with the staff and seldom make it very far. Here's why:
The Lobbyist/Staff relationship is a symbiotic one. The Lobbyist seeks access to the Official and the Staff is always seeking information to make better recommendations to their boss. A good lobbyist will be quick to do some of the work and provide accurate information pertaining to the particular group they are representing as well as access to that group as a whole. The key word regarding the informaiton is ACCURATE. If a lobbyist is constantly providing information that is obviously skewed and easily refuted, they won't make it very far either because instead of helping the staff, they have in fact made the job that much harder and will lose respect and access.
"I want to announce my presence with authority!"
"You want to what?"
"I want to announce my presence with authority!!"
Last edited by Sen; 07-03-2003 at 08:42 AM..