To Mel I would say this, that all pleasures are not sins, we are created to enjoy God and his gifts to us, and if it were true that all pleasures were sin, then he would not have blessed the marriage bed the way that he has.
To rodgerd I would say this, there are many different denominations in the protestant side of christianity, and a few variations on catholisism, but our relationship with God is completely unique and personal, and therefore our "doctrine and dogma" is ultimately our responsibility as individuals. When Jesus came and changed our entire world and ability to relate to God, he made it possible for God himself to dwell in us, thru the Holy Spirit. Therefore we no longer need a system of religion to get to God, we no longer have to rely on priests, pastors, and the books of prayers, we have an advocate with God directly thru Jesus, and there is no other mediator needed.
"My give up, my give up." - Jar Jar Binks