if you wanna be ubercool and use terminal, here are some things that'll help:
when you open a terminal window by default you start in your home folder. this is the same one as you see in finder when you click the House icon.
to make a hidden directory: type mkdir .namehere
so long as the directory is preceeded with a ., it is hidden. that means that you will NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS IT VIA FINDER. lets call our hidden directory .porn. why not.
to make sure it's there type ls -a That's the command to list contents of hte current directory INCLUDING hidden files and directories.
to move pictures into the folder type mv /current/path/to/picture/porn.jpg ~/.porn/porn.jpg
that's the move command. it does just that. moves the file from it's current position, to the one you dictate. the ~ symbol means "my home folder"
to access your hidden porn: cd into your .porn folder,
cd .porn (cd stands for change directory, by the way)
type open porn.jpg
and it'll open it w/ preview unless your default app is different.
I dunno how scary this sounds to ya, if it's too much, ignore me, 'cuz this is the geeky way to go about it. It won't keep unix-proficient people out of your pics, if they know to look for them, but it'll keep snoopy parents who dont' really understand how the comp works. good luck!
also check these out. one may be what you're lookin' for