Apartment living sucks big time....bought my house two years ago and never looked back. I'll find a nice refrigerator box under a bridge before I'd move back into an apartment. I had similar situations in EVERY building I ever liverd in, and the only cure I found was to flood the management and police with complaints about the offenders. The police HAVE to respond to a filed complaint, and if you want fast action, tell the cops you think the guys are selling drugs.....they'll get LOTS of attention from then on, as will any and all of their friends who frequent the apartment. Assholes really hate that, but they will never quit being assholes, so you gots to play slightly dirty back.
It REALLY sucks that it's not just noise, that they're fucking with your cars....like the dealer in Pulp Fiction said, "When will people learn that you just DON'T FUCK WITH another man's automobile."
You have my sympathy, hope it works out.