I live about 20 minutes from a Harrah's joint ( indian reservation, no dealers, all video, no alcohol ). Video gambling just doesn't cut it. There's only 2 ways to even your odds, watch a single machine & amount of money being played vs. payouts, or stick to blackjack. Slots/video poker with wilds, or even straight is just a waste of time and money. They've even got video craps games available, but that's also a waste of money, 'cause they don't even offer DO NOT PASS bets.
Give me a real table with dealers, and texas hold'em would be my game all night long. Even a poker night out with the boys doesn't cut it, 'cause of all the crazy wild/draw games they play.
Craps is another favorite of mine. If you've got the money to bet, you're gonna win. You can at least make even odds.