Originally posted by bondagegirl
How are canadians with americans that want to move up there? All of you guys seem so proud about canada, and nice about people leaving the states to live there. But are most canadians like that? I know I'm completely generalizing, but what else can I do?
(From David Letterman)
Top Ten Canadian Complaints About Americans
10. Won't acknowledge enormous cultural contributions of Howie Mandel
9. We're pretty sure they're holding Wayne Gretzky down there against his will
8. Every time we mention the city "Regina," they won't stop giggling
7. Incredibly, they only have one word for "snow"
6. In American encyclopedias, Canada often called "North Dakota's gay neighbor"
5. They call it American cheese, even though it was invented by Canadian superstar Gordon Lightfoot
4. They've never even heard of our most popular superhero, Captain Saskatchewan
3. Two words: "Weird Al"
2. Sick of that gap-toothed loser on "The Late Show with Paul Shaffer"
1. Not enough guys named "Gordie"