Originally posted by duckznutz
Some believe men have nipples to act as 'dummy' teats to calm infants when the female is not available.
You are correct when you state that our sex is not determined at the moment of conception and that we all start off as neither male nor female . . . but i completely disagree that homosexuality is a hard-wired situation.
Males have differing levels of oestregen and females have differing levels of testosterone . . . .
we all begin life as female. There is no question of this. Our bodies ( as men) then diverge. women continue on.
i dont think that there is a black or white situation here. Some gay men are born that way, some learn. I feel that societal conditioning plays a larger part in this than genetics.
Someone else on this board noted that a lot of gay people were "artistic" and "wealthy". I have also read that the smarter you are, the more you disregard societal conditioning, especially in sexual mores. Could it simply be that gay people ARE smarter on average than straight people??
that would put the wind up a lot of red necks eh?