Originally posted by papermachesatan
Sparta. A soceity where most of the men were bisexual or gay:
Spartan men were fierce warriors and engaged in homosexual activities but yet did not demonstrate any the behaviors you associate with the homosexual stereotype.
I can't claim to know an awful lot about classical civilizations, but I put it to you that this apparently rapant homosexuality was due to social issues, and most importantly
was not exclusive.
On genetic homosexuality. I am friends with a pair of identical twins .i.e. they have the same genetic code. One is a homosexual, the other is not. This sisuation is not unique. there are plenty of homo/hetro pairings of twins. This in itself should be evidence enough that homosexuality is not a genetically defined trait.
Your claim of having an "attracted to male" or "attracted to female", gene which "sometimes gets mixed up" is a mutation. No mutation could ever happen at a rate even close to 10% (?anyone have stats? What percentage of people are gay?)
Edit: I should also add that homosexual sex observed in primates was also non-exclusive. They were simply play-acting, in the same way that they "fight".
Also, what evidence is there for the spartan homosexuality? I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just wondering how we know? From what I understand of it, it is from drawings on pottery and from classical literature. Is this correct?