Green Thumb...
I was cleaning out some stuff in my room and came across this, so I figured I'd share it. If I came across more I may post those as well. Enjoy....
Green Thumb
Brian no longer wishes to write
about the black night stealing away
his dreams of living with Donna Reed.
He now writes about emeralds and sea moss:
A green leaf waving hello to him
as he walks by, whispering
noontime lullabies into his ear
with the help of the wind;
telling him of a green grass blade
under his foot, and how it has been
secretly told that that blade of
grass loves to play in between
his toes.
Sometimes, he even hears the
green grasshopper scream in delight
as it jumps over his foot:
A high-pitched "Whee!" that resonates in his ear
just above the splatter of hunter green paint
that cuddled him while he painted
the set of a play
which took place in a
green forest.
He'll never forget green,
its hands holding him and
leading him the way a parent
leads a child; with a tender touch
and a gentle nudge,
caring for him like no other
color can, and capturing
itself in his eyes so that
it can go everywhere with him.
He is green.
Le temps détruit tout
"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling