occasionaly I love doing things on the lighter side. I tend to stray far from structure when I do.
It's a dismal, dreary, Sunday morning...
My parents lay lifeless beside me.
An early bird is softly heard,
In the gloom beyond the window.
An urge suddenly rushes over me,
I leap to my feet and SCREAM:
"Listen to me: I have to pee!"
Not a single person moves.
We're out and about, horray! Horray!
Sniff this, sniff that, lick this, lick that,
Stop for no reason at all, - delay!
Forget all about going and play!
I have always regarded good decisions
As something to think circularly about.
Once left, twice right, all day, all night.
Then, - aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I may now gallop home, proud that
I, Madison Belle, peed outside.
After being fed, I take over the bed,
And fall fast aaaaaaasssssslllleeeee...p
"It's not that I don't understand, it's that I don't care"
- Homer Simpson