Originally posted by CSflim
Yes they are generalizations. They are stereotypes. But stereotypes have reasons for being. The problem with stereotyping is that it leads to prejudice: The idea that an arbitrary gay person (or member of ANY other minority subject to stereotyping) would be assumed to cohere with these specific stereotypes.
So don't try and tell me that there is nothing to stereotypes. The word is seen as inappropriate, as it is so open to abuse, due to people making judgements about INDIVIDUAL people based on the stereotype. ("Oh he's Irish, he must be a drunken bastard!" )
Your entire perspective regarding sterotypes is taken from the position that you know very little about homoseuxals.
Female personality traits, the idea of feminine behavior, and their interests(fashion, art, etc.) are social. The only only genetic differences lies in whether they're attracted to the same or opposite sex.
Again, another quote coming from an AIM conversation:
PsygnisFive (3:44:31 PM): I beg to differ
PsygnisFive (3:44:43 PM): The homosexuals you NOTICE are like that[feminine behavior]
PsygnisFive (3:44:58 PM): you never notice the beer drinking sports loving queers because they dont stand out
PsygnisFive (3:45:10 PM): and then theres the fact that the majority of DRAG QUEENS are not gay
Whatever generates pleasure is Ok. That seems fair enough in my book. However, that said, I know that I would not enjoy homosexual sex. The thought of engaging in it repulses me. I am not attracted to male people. Heterosexual sex, I enjoy. I AM attracted to females. I strongly believe that I am hard wired to be that way, and heterosexuality is not simply due to social conditioning.
Your repulsion to homosexually is largely cultural(nurture as opposed to nature) while the attraction is genetic. You're generally expected to demonstrate 'male behavior'
Your being hard wired to be repulsed at homosexuality would conflict with all examples of primates and history itself. In Greece and Rome, homosexual activity was common. In sparta, the majority of males were bisexual.