I used to smoke weed everyday all day for about 10 years. I only stopped because of very very bad panic attacks. When I look back on it I think that I probably have dumbed down a bit. But I look at other people and they are still sharp as shit and are still smoking. I think it affects everyone differently.
As far as all this research...I don't believe any of it until I see many different articles on it. Not different studies that are all mentioned in the same article (not saying that this article is invalid).
I think alcohol is more likely to fuck up relationships with family members more than ganja. Except for legal ramifications. The only thing I'm going to attack when high is the fridge instead of someone else when I'm all boozed up.
Man made alcohol, Nature made pot....which do you trust more?
(I am keeping my eye out for more articles like this now so thanks for posting it)
edit: Last week on the radio I heard that they found no long term ill effects from pot in some study. I don't know if its the one that is mentioned above, but I did hear it. I hate how there is always one that comes out and says its fine...and one that comes out and says its not. Make up your minds dammit!!
Last edited by Jim Kata; 07-02-2003 at 12:13 PM..