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Old 07-02-2003, 11:20 AM   #22 (permalink)
Double D
Location: Chicagoland
Originally posted by butthead

No, I'm saying one needn't feel threatened or hurt by an SO looking at attractive strangers because the relationship is most likely founded on sturdier ground than appearances.

I'm guessing the root is insecurity, but if it isn't please explain
Though insecurity may be an issue for some, the *root of it* is respect or lack thereof. My belief is that if a man is in a committed, i.e. monogamous relationship with a woman, that he shows said woman the respect and courtesy of not making obviously overt glances of a sexual nature at any other woman than the partner he is in the company of.
How is this any different than "ogling" attractive people on television and in movies?
ogle: ( Merrriam-Webster) to look at in a flirtatious way.
The difference is that ogling is interactive. TV & movie watching is not.

Why should person 1 be punished or seen as disrespecting for not catering to the insecurity of person 2? Why not just work through the insecurity?
Why not just break up with the um, person that doesn't appreciate his partner enough to respect her? He doesn't have to wear blinders, for goodness sake, just show a bit of awareness for the feelings of the one he is with.

Any man that is a slave to his hormones to the point that he can't refrain from overtly admiring women that are most likely out of his league whilst in the company of his woman, failing to appreciate the qualities of the one he has chosen to be with, is not evolved enough for my company and needs to grow the ---- up.
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