Originally posted by Double D
And for you morals police out there, why do you sully yourselves with the likes of us?
My thoughts exactly. Thank you for articulating this! I wonder sometimes how people who come to a board whose purpose is the "evolution of humanity, *sexuality*, and philosophy can be so durned closed-minded sometimes.
Most people agree pretty much that if two consenting adults are doing something that's not hurting anybody, they should be left alone. The problem is people who argue that things like prostitution, smoking marijuana, homosexuality somehow "damage our society". They point to crime (if drugs and sex were legal they would be regulated and probably wouldn't attract the fringe crimes that they do now), moral decline (puh-leeze), and "won't somebody please think of the children!?". I guess it is a values question - I value tolerance and freedom more than I value conformity and security. I enjoy being surrounded by people who are different than I am, who think and act differently, and I think our society would be a lot MORE moral if we all extended just a bit of compassion and understanding and quit getting so damned uptight about everything.