For the people who have Madden on their PC: how is it? I've only played Madden on consoles (i.e., Sega Genesis and Sony Playstation), but I don't think I'm ever going to buy another console again (the only reason would be to play sports games). I've often wondered about playing Madden on my PC, but I've never tried it. I don't even have a controller/joystick for my PC. I'd love to keep playing the Madden series, but I don't want to have to go buy an Xbox or PS2 to do so (and I don't want to use my PS anymore).
You broke out--let me see if I can get this straight--you went down the incinerator chute, on the mine car, through the tunnels to the power plant, under the steam engine--that was really cool, by the way--and into the cistern through the intake pipe, but how, in the name of Zeus's BUTTHOLE, did you get out of your cell? I only ask because in our current situation, well, it could prove to be useful information, MAYBE!