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Old 07-01-2003, 09:21 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Midwest
In short, some are and some aren't. I know that sounds like a dodge, but there are definitely some Senators that have a reputation with staff on the hill.

There are absolutely some Senators up there that are drunk with their own power. One well known story among staff is about a Senator who ordered an intern to go to the cafeteria and bring back a sandwich, hold the pickles. When the intern returned with the sandwich, there were pickles. The Senator went ballistic, began chewing out the intern and eventually threw the pickles at the intern, but missed and they stuck to the wall.

And while not in the Senate, there is a House member that will fire her ENTIRE staff, chief of staff on down, about every 2 1/2 years, just because.

As far as hitting on Interns, etc...I don't know how common that is. There are a few that have a reputation for leering and even saying inappropriate things to staff about interns or other staff, but I never witnessed, nor heard firsthand about any Senator actually hitting on an intern. It's more likely that they would hit on/have an affair with staff, simply because it's the staff that works the long hours and is behind the closed doors in pressure situations, not the interns.

Fortunately, my boss (and no I won't say who) was one of the best ones to work for. He had the reputation of being genuine and treating his staff well. In fact, ex members of his staff have a "fraternity" because our collective experience was generally positive and continues to bond us together even in our non-senate jobs.
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