Originally posted by duckznutz
Hmmm . . well i dont beleive its all 'learned' from media, magazines and tv.
I read a study a few years back where they showed young boys (aged 3, 4 and 5) pictures of womens faces, and thet invariably picked out the 'pretty' one! Proving that we are born with a sense of 'beauty' and desirability.
Nobody is saying that it's
all learned in the media. It is obvious that it is part of our instict.
However, the media has vastly distorted it, and with constant images of what is defined as sexy being blasted at you, you can't help but be affected. Like I said in my first post, from a naturalistic point of view, sexiness = healthy, mature mate.
However, their is nothing healthy about ridiculously large tits hanging off a stick insect. A curvaceous body... definately... but not this! This perception of sexiness is, in my mind, purely a product of media.
It has also been suggested that the "fetish" of being turned on by very fat women is an unconcious act of rebellion against the media. The media promotes this unatural vision of what is sexy, your body knows it to be untrue, but takes it to the other extreme... a sort of "over-compensation" if you like. (on an unrelated matter, I believe that people turn to the gothic lifestyle for similar reasons).