First, two disclaimers.
1) I'm an audio engineer, so my suggestion serves other purposes.
2) Many people question my sanity.
Now for the suggestion. I rackmounted my computer, and it's mounted in a locking rack on wheels. The case itself locks as well. When you add up the weight of the rack, the computer, the DAT deck, the compressors, and the mixing board, it's over 200lbs. It takes 2 people to carry it, and usually, they aren't pleased about having to do it. This way, anyone trying to steal it would be very obvious, and probably wouldn't want it anyway.
If you want to be truly insane about it, install lojack in it. I have a friend who did this with some of his more expensive equipment, and it saved his ass when someone broke into the studio.
My sig can beat up your honor student.