Originally posted by Killconey
I've always wanted to be given a red pill in regards to God. Then if I knew he existed, I would know that my strivings against sin were not in vain and I could continue pressing on. If he doesn't exist, well there's no sense left to being a good person so why don't I just go out and enjoy myself? Contentment would come from knowing the truth, not from continually living in a mystery.
Your strivings against 'sin' are not in vain in either case.
Western religion tends to foster this game show image of you 'getting whats in the box where Jane is standing'.
You are not living a devout or diciplined life to get a prize. The reward is fostering positive energy for our world. While you may loose site of it, you are improving the world for all of us.
I see believing that some bliss exists beyound our current reality set, as a good thing. We look to our faith to see us through difficulties, when we tend to question such things.