GAIL WAS HOT. *cough cough* scuse me.
That was one of the weakest battle royals I've seen... EVER. Probably because none of the talent had their A-games for the match. Oh well. I saw Victoria do her finsher. That was a waste. Ivory almost popped herself outta her uniform. Poo. I want Victoria to get some more airtime. boohoohooo.
THE HURRICANE and ??? to be tag champions? It would be nice. I want to see some more gold on the Hurricane. Probably him and Val Venis, because they were doing a few house shows together.
Rico had a decent match. Maven did... better than usual. If Rico's gimmick is going to work, he needs to prance a little bit less so he can antagonize his opponents more. A nice finisher would be good too. Kicks in the head just don't cut it. Except the Shining Wizard. SWizard is cooler than... ice.
Kane's match - did'nt watch it. But he probably slammed Bischoff because he blames Bischoff for his unmasking. We all know Kane and RVD are going to feud for a bit, so there is plenty of time.
In other news, Crash has left the WWE. So we only have one official Mattitude Follower, and Mooreon. Its too bad that VinnieMac never used Crash as more than a beanbag. He has good talent. Expect him to show up in NWA:TNA for a few shows (probably, I don't really know) and possibly join the X division. Then he might join MLW because a lot of other stars are appearing there.