This is odd I know but it fits soo damn well, I just have to post it!
Import buys are tarined to think differently than Domestic Buyers...
For Instance-
Honda Buyer- I spent $3,000 to have my transmission replaced, but it has to be my fault since no one else I know has problems with thier Honda's. It's unbelieable this happened..I even I take my car in every 2500 miles for it's 3000 mile service at the Honda dealer. Now that I think of it, I am kinda lead footed so that was probaly it....stupid, stupid me I had it coming. I better be sure not to tell any of my friend's what I did to my Honda either or I will be the laugh of the town. They will think that if I am abusive enough to break a Honda I probaly beat my wife or something too. Glad I didn't buy a domestic..I probaly wouldn't have made it 10 miles without breaking it. {owner feels sense of accomplishment}
Chevy Buyer- My windshield wiper blade is worn out....I hope GM realizes this is the end of my world, because untill they fix thier POS part I can't see in the rain..I thought these things were supposed to last 7 years, not 6...and if they think I am paying for the part they are dead was defective from the factory and I know it. I should have known better than to buy American, my mom had an old Vega, and it had engine problems and would explode when it got rear ended...or something like that. . I am gonna tell eveyone I know not to buy domestic and that GM sucks, I may even write my senator if I can...tell them to close the GM factory in our state because the product is a disgrace. Note to self...I better tell my wife to remind me when I get the car back from the dealer to take it in for an oil change at Wal's been almost 10,000 miles! It should be fine though, domestic engines are lower tech and can take the abuse
Both dramatizations...but you get the point..
The local track whore