This thread is fucked. I can't even read the entire thing. BBtB you sir have issues. It is not ok for a woman who does not want to go through the hell that is child labor but it is ok for you to kill her for it? An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Let me see if I get this right.... Birth control is bad to Christians because you are preventing the birth of god’s children. Christians frequent poor neighborhoods spreading the good word knowing that many of them will follow you blindly to salvation. Now not using birth control they have 5 kids but you conservatives (who are mostly Christian) think she should not have kids if she cannot afford them and should not get assistance from the government because that would be your tax dollars. She also should not have an abortion because that would be killing one of god’s children. So should she give up the children for adoption so your tax money can pay more to foster parents than they do to the welfare mothers?
For those of you that think a man should have equal say in this matter. I will agree to this once you carry a child around in your womb for 9 months. Once you have done that you have a right to equal choice. Maybe get raped by your father at 13 and pregnant with your son/brother. Or go running in the park and get raped only to carry the son of the bastard that violated you. Better yet, your wife gets pregnant with your child, and dies on the operating table along with the child because they needed to remove the unborn baby to save her.