Think of the dog as a child. Chances are your parents gave you a wupin now and then for doing one thing or another, and over time, chances are it corrected your behavior (even if not the first time). No, I am NOT advocating abuse, in any way, I'm simply saying that proper disciplin practices can have great rewards. Chances are the dog will only need to be corrected once or twice, after which he/she will know when they have done something wrong simply by your tone/body language. As lurkette said, yelling excessively, as with any disciplinary action will do nothing but make the dog afraid of you, so be patient! This is only my view on the issue, and what has worked for me and those who I know. Remote shock collars can be a great tool for helping train your dog, consistance is a must. You may wish to do some research on classical conditioning for more information on the issue.
An extremely good friend of mines dog, as well as my dog have been handled in such a manner, and have turned out to be incredible dogs. We can leave a garbage can sitting out, with a giant piece of steak sitting on top and he will not touch it. Unless he is absolutely desperate, he will not go in the house. And you will have to work hard to find happier or more loving dogs.
Best of luck.