I wouldnt suggest a book because I think only behaviorism books fully exlpain trainining to you. Go to a petsmart or the like and go through one class and if you pay attention you will get the gist. a couple tips
1. stop saying 'no' if it doesnt work now its because you have used it too much and the dog knows he doesnt have to pay attention to it. So try something else(any word will do) and whenever you say it make sure your intonation is the exact same. It has to be forceful, quick, a little bit loud but always the same even if your sleepy.
2. get a bag of little treats(I prefer liver treats like "training rewards) but make sure they are small and soft. when I say small I mean nobigger than a pencils eraser. When the dog does something appropriate say good girl first and then give her a treat(always do it in that order with as small amount of time in between the two as possible) also be consistent always say the same thing the same way.
3. anything you dont want chewed on needs to be out of her reach( theres no excuses the dog has impulses just like you and me and has less self control.
4. When the dog sees you pick up the poop take it outside or wherever is appropriate and let her see where it is. DO NOT EVER STICK HER FACE IN THE POOP. Hardcore punishment leads to the dog fearing you and spiting you.
5. If you need anything else post me a PM I am slow but I am a psychology student working on behaviorism and I have a 11month old beagle who has been through two advanced classes with a professional trainer.
Good Luck