Originally posted by Sparhawk
Lion's share of power?
Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton(2)
Eisenhower(2), Nixon(1.5), Ford(0.5), Reagan(2), Bush, Bush
Doesn't look to me like democrats dominated the last 50 years...
Since 1953 the Democrats have controlled both houses of Congress for 34 years. The Republicans, on the other hand, have only controlled Congress for 8 of those years. The remaining 8 years were split between the 2 parties. Eisenhower had the luxury of both houses of Congress under Republican control for the first 2 years of his first term in office (the 83rd Congress). Since then no Republican President has had his party control both house of congress, until 2003. ALL the above mentioned Democratic Presidents enjoyed having Democrats in control of both houses of Congress for ALL OR PART of their terms. (Kennedy- ALL, Johnson- ALL, Carter- ALL, Clinton- first term)
That's control!