Question for you guys -
i have no problem having my bf's penis in my mouth whilst he's ejaculating, and i happily swallow whatever's there...
but what about those times when there's some spillage, say on his hand or his belly or whatever...
as soon as it's exposed to air, it gets more gel-like, and it's that texture i just kinda have a problem with.
but, i worry if i'm being rude or a bitch for gettin kinda squeamish about licking it up... ?
(ps) clarification - i don't say 'eww gross' or anything like that (obviously rude and bitchy) i just smile and say no thanks and i'm all nice about it, and i've explained to him why, and it's not him putting any pressure on me, i just wonder if i should just try do it anyways or if it really doesnt matter (i do clean him up with a towel rite after, like i said, i'm real nice, really!)..
i dunno.