Originally posted by XXXs
I hate to inform all you Democrats, but none of these candidates has much of a chance (at least as it stands now).
Sadly, this is pretty true. Dean seemed like one of the best bets on some levels, but Meet The Press was a huge disaster. Also, Dean is a bit too liberal for the conservative Dems (I know, oxymoron, but they exist), so he doesn't have a big enough following. Like I mentioned before, I think John Edwards would make a good president, but it would never happen. He has a good stance on a lot of issues, and he actually is a really down-to-earth person (met him at a fundraiser for his Senate campaign), but with the less-than-wonderful stigma that comes from being a Lawyer, especially a personal-injury lawyer, he would never get elected.
My only hope is that people will see the futility of third-party candidates. I've said it a million times, and sorry if it offends some people, but a third party candidate does not have the ability to win these days, and a vote cast for a third-party candidate is a vote NOT cast for Bush's competitor.