Originally posted by CSflim
"Pretty much every creature on this planet was some kind of "experiment" until perfection was acheived with humans." - I would really take you up on that statement! Nobody is claiming humans to have reached perfection! In evolutionary terms, no creature that is alive today is "better" than another. I would admit, that humans, are probably the most sucessful creatures at altering the environment to their will.
Exactly! Though I forgot to mention that as humans are deemed the "perfection" of all species, this in my eyes is not true, there are other species far more "intelligent", even if all they do is "sleep, lick their face and shit", often said by others who won't accept a smarter species. Thanks, for following me up on that, and yes, unluckily I do not know everything you do and I will take you up on reading "The Blind Watchmaker". Just trying to make sure you aren't throwing everything out just because it isn't scientifically correct.
To say how a different body structure could disprove evolution (for me) is that the traits I described in my posts say that this could not be done by a single celled organism, alone. Though I have limited understanding of the concept of evolution, I don't see even over billions or millions of years how you can create something as sophistically complex as us, even through all that time arranging and rearranging itself to form a "human".
I take no offense. I can admit I do not know all the answers. But when I propose ideas like these I feel I can stir up good answers if even but for a second.