In other news:
YOU'RE FIRED!!! (spit spit, hack cough. dammit. I don't see how VinnieMac does that)
Roddy Piper has been tossed out of the WWE for remarks made during an interview for HBO. Apparantly, WWE officials (Read: VinnieMac) didn't care for Pipers accusations that pro wrestling encourages people to start taking drugs. (See: VinnieMac now) So, they have nothing better to do but throw him out (Tossed by: VinnieMac) before his current contract ends in August. No more contract negotiations (One sided: VinnieMac) will be made to see if Piper will continue to work with the WWE and Sean OHaire. Oh well. Thats just one old guy out of the way. As long as Jim "HOOOOOOOOO" Duggan doesn't show up again.
Who's going to win the US Title? Oh c'mon, thats an easy question.
WHO BETTA THAN KANY... Oh yeah... everybody.
Hmm... this may take some work. Heck, I don't even know what the ladder looks like, because StepHHH McMaHHHon hasn't shown us anything. All we see are some weak ass preliminarys. BUT, from who I think is involved, I do believe V1 Hardy will win. He's my hands down favorite, even though its probably going to go to Benoit. He's done the time, he was headlining, now he's back midcarding. Once he drop Rhyno like the piece of crap he is, Benoit will rise once again.
Anyway, my small list for the US title in order of who will probably win (and based on the fact that I don't know who is involved either):
1) V1 Hardy
2) Benoit
3) The suprise return of THE HURRICANE

4) Eddie Guerrero (even though he's going to be holding the Tag Title in some form for the next 3 months)
5) John Cena. whore.