The point is that permitting the government to make ex post facto laws is much more dangerous than letting hundreds of molestors go..
Originally posted by andyc
No it is NOT.
Child molesters are a special case - It does not matter how long ago the offence took place, if there is enough evidence they should be prosecuted.
I wonder if you would say this was the lesser of the two evils if you, or a member of your family had been the victim of one of these people. I also wonder if you will still agree with the court if next week one of these people who have been released goes and rapes a child.
No see you got it just backwards. Permitting the government to make ex post facto laws is VERY dangerous. I mean I am not premoting child molestation but just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean we can try people who did it before it was illegal like they did it when it was illegal. Its sad that their were no specfic laws for that then (or they were much softer) but all we can do now is remember this going forward. These people will not be looked at the same way by their family and community again. Even if they were not actully convicted child molesters. Sure we all want to burn the child molesters. Untill someone accuses you of being a child molester and this turns into Salem. In the end what it boils down to is this, while I am not a fan of child molestation I am more so against letting the goverment do whatever the hell it (or special intrest groups want it) to do. If we allow this then we must try everyone who is living and has ever commited a crime (even if it wasn't a crime then) under the new law anytime a law is passed. If they raise the cost of a speeding ticket EVERYONE who has paid a ticket in the area effectec must make up the differnce. ITS THE SAME EXACT THING.