Red Pill or Blue Pill?
Just a hypothetical situation, a spin on Cypher's dilemma in The Matrix
You are a devote religious person, and you come across an undeniable proof that God doesn't exist. Your life is undoubtedly in turmoil. All your hopes of life everlasting in bliss, and eternal damnation for those undeserving has being irreparably destroyed. You become incredibly depressed with this new view of life.
But then you are given a choice. Your mind can be wiped clean of this information. You can return to living your happy life, never knowing the truth. You will probably even end up with a better quality of life, without having a huge gaping hole, that God once filled. Or you can decide that ultimately truth is more important that happiness, and keep your new life.
So what's it going to be? The Red pill of truth, or the Blue pill of Contentment?
Disclaimer: This is a hypothetical situation, nothing more. I'm not wanting to start a debate over the evidence for or against the existence of God. Rather I am looking for people's opinion on self delusion.
Last edited by CSflim; 06-29-2003 at 04:05 PM..