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Old 06-29-2003, 11:33 AM   #38 (permalink)
Hey CSfilm:
check this out:,4057,6674628^13762,00.html

And also go read about Western Medical Doctors and Swami Rama. He did things that Medical science said were impossible.

To Retort:
God didn't create creation out of nothing.
She created it out of herself. And in the end it all goes back to God. Like I said a cycle.

As far as particle phsycis goes, where do these quantum fluctuations, (particles appearing out of nothing) come from?
Energy. And where do they go back to? Energy.

Who created God?
Nothing. You can't create God.
God doesn't exist.
God is beyond existence.

And yo, I ain't a creationist.
Evolution is fine, DNA and genes are the way things work.
But that picture isn't entirely clear or finished yet.
All I'm saying is that you guys don't have the full picture.
Why in the hell would random molecules start copying themselves?

You guys have your theories and hypotheses, and they form your religion. You call it the modern scientific viewpoint. But you're no less biased or ignorant as me or anyone else. There are questions that you can't answer, and there are some questions that I can't answer.

And snowflakes are Chaos, aren't they?
Fractals anyone?

I'm having fun though guys. Let's keep this up.

BTW oldtimer, nipples are useful for men in bed. : P
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