Originally posted by TaLoN
albums should cost no more than the price to produce them.
Alright then, An artist should only sell his painting for the cost of supplies... the tickets to a concert should only cost how much it is for a singer to use his voice...
Now i could go on, but i just don't feel the need. Have you ever heard of PROFIT? Without PROFIT, one cannot LIVE. Notice this.. if they sell for the COST, then what money is LEFT to use to LIVE. See if they sell for the cost of it, then um someone is gonna be poor. I'm all for them selling it for more than cost, just not 20 bucks. Don't be ignorant, don't be cheap.
I'll download music, but mainly to find music that I like. If I like them, I'll get their CD when I have the cash to do so (and can find them), if not... well why the fuck am I going to keep the music on my computer if it SUCKS? you guys say you're gonna download cause it all sucks.. Why the FUCK are you keeping sucky music on your computer? Thats beyond me... aw well.... Flame.. er um... rant .. ummm..... Elaborate On